& farming
In all that we do, Wesley Clover Parks endeavours to promote sustainable agriculture and advance environmental stewardship.
Each year we grow and harvest more than 100-acres of hay to feed the over 50 horses (and one donkey) that call Wesley Clover Parks home.
In 2016 Wesley Clover Parks started our partnership with GeesBees Honey Company. A local, family run organization, GeesBees is helping Ottawa’s bees and flowers one hive at a time. With the help of our friends at GeesBees, we have brought in over 300,000 honey bees and now host 6 of our own hives onsite to help support the bee population as well as harvest our own honey.
In 2017 Wesley Clover Parks began our partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Federation's Bat House Program. Wesley Clover Parks now has four bat houses to aid in the survival of the endangered Little Brown Bat. These bat houses will offer a space for the Little Brown Bat to roost during the spring and have its pups over the summer, giving its pups a chance for survival.