Ottawa Forest & Nature School
The region’s first Forest School in partnership with the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada and Andrew Fleck Children’s Services.
One of our long term visions at Wesley Clover Parks is to help people from all walks of life to learn more about our natural and sustainable environment.
The Ottawa Forest and Nature School, a branch of Andrew Fleck Children’s Services, offers children and families inclusive, safe, and supported opportunities to learn and form connections to the land, each other, and themselves through child-centred, interest-led play. From forests to parks, meadows to mud-puddles.
Community programs.
Running Fall/Winter (Sept to Dec) and Winter/Spring (Jan-June) children join for either a half-day or full day, one day a week. The program runs from 9am - 3pm.
With an 8:1 ratio for Owl and Wolf groups (4 - 12 years) and 5:1 ratio for Chickadees (2.5 - 4 years), each group of children with two educators gather, play and learn out on the land.
Summer programs.
Week-long summer programs run through July and August from 9am - 3pm every day for children 4 - 12 years old.
Families are invited to register for up to two weeks of child-led play and learning in the shade of the canopy.
Family Drop Ins.
Come hike and play out on the land with us at OFNS. Bundle up the family for a morning or afternoon of discovery and exploring. Parents and children of all ages will meet with a practitioner that will lead them through a snippet of a day in the life at forest school. Please note this style of drop in is subject to availability the day of, find more information at the link below.